Analysis of Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics

Politecnico di Milano
September 28 - 30, 2010


  • Cut & paste the form below in your mail program
  • Fill in the form with all the required information
  • Write ACN2010 - APPLICATION as the subject of the mail
  • Send to
  • You will receive a confirmation message within a few days

Analysis of Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics
Politecnico di Milano
September 28 - 30, 2010

Family name: 
Given name: 
Position (professor/PhD student/other...): 
Organization (dept./inst.,university): 
Mailing address (street,zip code,city,country): 

SICC member (yes/no): 
(Notice: SICC membership is mandatory for those
not working at the Politecnico di Milano)

(Only for PhD students at the Politecnico di Milano) 
Name of the doctorate course and cycle:

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